

IEP : Python, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlibを使って科学計算を行うためのMatlabライクなIDE

title: IEP : Python, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlibを使って科学計算を行うためのMatlabライクなIDE
url: http://code.google.com/p/iep/


Some key features
  • Powerful introspection (autocompletion, calltips, interactive help): uses information from both the interactive shell and the source code.
  • Allows various ways to run code interactively or to run a file as a script.
  • The shells runs in a subprocess and can therefore be interrupted or killed.
  • Multiple shells can be used at the same time, and can be of different Python versions (from v2.4 to 3.x, including pypy)
  • Support for using several GUI toolkits interactively: PySide, PyQt4, wx, fltk, GTK, Tk.
  • Supports magic commands similar to IPython.
  • Full Unicode support in both editor and shell.
  • Various handy tools, plus the ability to make your own.
  • Matlab-style cell notation to mark code sections (by starting a line with '##').
  • Highly customizable using the menu.


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