

Spyder : Python, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlibを使って科学計算を行うためのMatlabライクなIDE

title: Spyder : Python, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlibを使って科学計算を行うためのMatlabライクなIDE
url: http://code.google.com/p/spyderlib/


A powerful editor is a central piece of any good IDE. Spyder's editor has:
  • Syntax coloring for Python, C/C++ and Fortran files
  • Powerful dynamic code introspection features (powered by rope):
  • Code completion and calltips
  • Go to an object definition with a mouse click
  • Class and function browser.
  • Occurrence highlighting.
  • To-do lists (TODO, FIXME, XXX).
  • Get errors and warnings on the fly (provided by pyflakes)
  • Breakpoints and conditional breakpoints to use with the python debugger (pdb).


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